
Creativity Unleashed

September 17, 2021

One of the greatest powers of creativity is that is welcomes our mind into the present moment.

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Welcome to the best creative inspiration Blog ever.  Here I will offer free resources, step-by-steps, and useful yet inspiring information on the art of living a more creative life.


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What if I told you that engaging in a creative act is the first step to a major transformation!

If you are feeling anything like me lately… I’m overwhelmed, worried about the uncertainty that surrounds us, and just stressed out!

I thank my lucky stars that you are reading this so I can help share with you what has helped me find an amazing amount of inner peace and personal empowerment.

I can share how to manage these emotions through art and creativity and I want to give you an easy path to that joy and stability within you. (it wasn’t always so easy for me!!).

It is simple but powerful and I has and continues to worked magic in my life!


What is art? ANYTHING that you create with the X factor that is YOU and your imagination.

I invite you to spend the next 28 days consciously doing something that requires you to imagine, and then make come to life, some creative idea. This could be trying that recipe you got from a friend last year, trying a new craft, playing your favorite song and lip singing while dancing like a wild child LOL, and one of my personal favorites is creating a new original painting. There is nothing more fun than going from a blank canvas and creating a dreamy little scene that’s all your own.


Think of some things that you haven’t already done this will create even more magic! One of the greatest powers of creativity is that is welcomes our mind into the present moment. When we are present we can be joyful, surprised, and fully alive in the excitement of the unknown.


Think of It takes 28 days to create a new habit! Think of A BAD HABIT you have (we all have a few vices no judgment) and replace that with MAKING ART (some creative pursuit). NOW LET THE MAGIC BEGIN!

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I'm Wendy, your new creative muse.

I will empower your inner artist through all kinds of step-by-step creative events & courses. Did you know at one point I thought I couldn't paint? Let me tell you how it all changed for me...

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