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Virtual Paint Nite Supply Guide

March 12, 2021

You can get fancy and grab more materials but this is the bare bones!

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You can make art with anything! But in this post I’ll go over the exact supplies needed to do an at home paint and sip party! So you can get your art on all the time!

The Materials

  • Paint
  • Brushes
  • Canvas
  • Cup for Water
  • Rag or Paper towels
  • Paper plate or pallet
  • Easel (this is optional and I often don’t use one).

Yep that’s it! You can get fancy and grab more materials but this is the bare bones art supplies you’ll need and half of them you already have laying around the house! Lets take a closer look at the materials to make sure you get the best stuff (what I use and yes I’m biased lol).


You want to get MEDIUM BODY STUDENT GRADE ACRYLIC PAINT! This is not the same as CRAFT PAINT and I don’t recommend craft paint because it is not pigment rich and will yield chalky and dull paint that will dry very quickly and flak off your canvas.

Colors & Shades

  • Red- Primary Magenta, or Crimson
  • Blue – Primary Cyan, Cobalt or Phthalo Blue
  • Yellow – Lemon Yellow or Primary Yellow
  • White – Titanium White
  • Black – Mars Black

The reason I recommend these paints can be better understood in my FREE Color Mixing Tutorial. Watch it NOW! Here is a great set that you can purchase: Amsterdam Set


  • Large 1 ” Square (wash, flat or Bright)
  • Medium Square 1/2″ or #6 (bright)
  • Small Round #2 or #4 recommended

Brushes are pretty straight forward and you want to add to your set as you learn new styles and techniques. I recommend the white or golden taklon, or make sure the brushes are listed as suitable for acrylic paints. This brush set is a great starter set Princeton Real Value Set.


  • Panel Canvas 12 x 16 or 16 x 20
  • Wrapped Canvas 12 x 16 or 16 x 20

Either of these two options will be perfect. The panel canvas will save space and usually cost far less. I’m usually painting on a wrapped canvas, these tend to absorb a little better and you can hang them on the wall from a nail as is.

If you would like to use another size that will be awesome! Keep in mind that most of the Paint Nite artwork designs are in the 16 x 20 or 12 X 16 aspect ratio so if you choose a square canvas it will alter the design and may or may not work well. Grab this set of 6 canvas. You can also grab a value pack at stores like Michaels if you have a local store grab my free Supply Check list when you sign up for my list and take it on your store trip.

The Set UP

To set up your area make sure to do the following:

  1. Get your paint clothes on! Or use a kitchen or work apron or anything you won’t be sad about getting paint on.
  2. Find a nice area in a well lit room. (make sure your near your wireless router or have a hardline connection if you are joining a live Zoom event). Test your connection and Zoom prior to the start time to trouble shoot any issues.
  3. Get a cup with water filled about 3/4 full of water.
  4. Use an old rag (microfiber is my choice) or a paper towel.
  5. Grab a 9″ or larger paper plate (you can use other things like a pice of cardboard or a wax paper). Sometimes it’s good to have an extra plate around incase you need more space to mix your colors.
  6. Make sure you have your brushes you would like to use ready.
  7. Cover your area with an old sheet, plastic table cover, or old newspaper to catch paint spills.
  8. Unwrap your canvas.
  9. Set up your easel or lay canvas flat on the covered area (PS I rarely use an easel lol). If you want an easel check out this one. Wooden Table Top Easel.
  10. Last Add the paints you plan to use to the paper plate squeeze or scoop out about a quarter size amount (you can always add more if you need it but it’s better not to add too much!).

The Clean Up

  1. Place dirty brushes in your water cup bristles down.
  2. Throw away your paint plate and any other disposable materials.
  3. Wash rags, aprons or drop cloths that may have been soiled.
  4. Lay your painting to dry in a protected area. Your painting may be dry to the touch in about 30 minutes to an hour however, the paint will not be fully cured for around 6 weeks.
  5. Clean your brushes with soapy water and let them fully dry before sealing them in a container or bag. I prefer to store my brushes in a cup bristles up. But if you don’t plan to use them often you can store them in a bin or bag just make sure the bristles are not being smushed or they will be misshaped.

I hope that you feel more confidant about what to get and how to paint from home. Now let’s paint!

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  1. Gwen says:

    Thank you! This was helpful ❤️

  2. Shari says:

    Perfect thank you Wendy this was helpful!

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