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Artist Affirmations to Say OUT LOUD

March 9, 2023

Affirmations for daily creativity confidence. I love affirmations. They allow us to step into a simple action that is in alignment with how we can see ourselves as a new potential. Say these out loud OR copy them in your own writing and add at least 10 of your own. Here is a list of […]

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Affirmations for daily creativity confidence.

I love affirmations. They allow us to step into a simple action that is in alignment with how we can see ourselves as a new potential. Say these out loud OR copy them in your own writing and add at least 10 of your own.

Here is a list of 50 artist affirmations to boost your creativity!

  1. I am an artist!
  2. I am a creative genius.
  3. I was born to create.
  4. I am inspired and excited.
  5. I was given the gift of creation.
  6. I am grateful for the gift of creation.
  7. I am destined to create my art.
  8. I was chosen to be myself.
  9. Sharing my art elevates me.
  10. I have unlimited potential.
  11. Art is for everyone.
  12. My art is a gift to the world.
  13. The world needs my art.
  14. I am unique and beautiful.
  15. I am my style.
  16. I am a limitless creator.
  17. My mistakes are happy accidents.
  18. I feel grateful to create art.
  19. My creations make others happy.
  20. My creations will inspire others.
  21. My creations will bless others.
  22. Art is about expression not perfection.
  23. It’s better done than perfect.
  24. I am motivated to create more & more.
  25. I will inspire millions.
  26. Being joyful is an art.
  27. My creations come from joy.
  28. My creations bring others joy.
  29. I am mindful with my art.
  30. My art is a calling.
  31. My art will change the world.
  32. If I don’t create it no one will.
  33. I make art a daily practice.
  34. I inspire others to create.
  35. When I create I radiate joy.
  36. My joy to create elevates the world.
  37. Love is the root of my creations.
  38. I am grateful for the skills I learn.
  39. Today is the best day to create.
  40. I will make a positive impact.
  41. My art attracts positive energy.
  42. I will accomplish my goal.
  43. I take actions to learn and grow.
  44. I release all fear of messing up.
  45. My mistakes are now my successes.
  46. I love being present as I create.
  47. I share my art freely and joyfully.
  48. I am confident in my creations.
  49. I came here to inspire others.
  50. My joy is contagious.

I hope this help you get in a mindset that will inspire you to create more often! If you want the free download make sure to get on my list for access to the free affirmations PDF download and more!

You are an amazing artist!



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