
How Yoga Can Boost Creativity

November 18, 2020

Yoga became not only a practice for healing but for understanding our true nature.

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How Yoga can boost creativity
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Circa 1980’s our education was designed to teach us that everything is separate. It was in the 5th grade… in school we were watching a video that stated that “what we eat has no relationship with the condition of our skin” (LOL)! That’s just one of MANY memories that pointed at the separation philosophy that still lives to this day. After my struggle with horrible eczema and trying to learn how to heal. I began realizing it was indeed caused by diet and exposure to harmful products! That experience lead me down the path of holistic healing and finally I found Yoga.

Yoga has been a godsend and it’s powerful positive impact on my life is no secret to anyone who knows me. After years of practicing I became a certified teacher in 2013 (sharing is caring). Not only did Yoga allow me to better listen to my body and help me to understand the relationship between what we consume and how it deeply effects our physical body, it also gave me insight into how EVERYTHING is CONNECTED and RELATED!

The world is not build up of separated mechanical parts everything is having an impact on the whole system (within our bodies and the whole of the universe). Yoga became not only a practice for healing but for understanding our true nature. This is the creative power of Yoga. Tapping into creativity is more than just a to do list. The true source of creativity is a mystery and we can only hope to tap into our creativity if we become acquainted with that mystery within.

If you imagine your body like a tuning fork or a radio receiver then it makes total sense that if we refine our tool of perception (the body/mind) we will also refine our ability to tap into new perspectives and the ability to look deeper into our world. True creativity is not something we can manufacture, if we could we would have robots making art (cringe). Through our journey to reorient our awareness to our experience we can see a fresh perspective emerge and perhaps, as a result, find new creative inspiration.

This has worked for me personally whenever I feel creatively stuck it’s typically rooted in my body (which always effects the whole system). When we shake things up on one level the rest will feel the impact and shake you out of your creative block. It works every time! If you haven’t tried Yoga yet and your feeling stuck (writers block, no ideas for your next painting, or just lack of inspiration) I invite you to try a session and find out for yourself! You got nothing to loose and everything to gain. See you on the mat. Namaste!

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